We offer online coaching to provide support in this stage of finding your shidduch and support the newly formed couple if necessary.Our Shadchanit has the appropriate training, experience of more than 28 years in this area of Coaching where she has proven results with H’ to help you succeed in this endeavor of this search for your match that begins when registering on our website for training of the future Jewish home.
If you met a person on your own, we also offer this Coaching support so that bzH can make your relationship work, reaching the goal of getting married in the Chupa by evaluating compatibility and developing relationship skills.
Extra compatibility coaching consultations may also be made available to other shadchanim who require appropriate professional guidance as well.
Coaching is a very important tool to support the control of anxiety, self-image and self-esteem and within Cognitive Psychology it becomes effective and assertive.
Our Shadchanit is a master in this area and created her technique and models for shiduch within this approach, which is highly effective and serious.
Preparing yourself with correct and professional guidance makes all the difference when the decision is lifelong and changes the world.
Tolerating frustrations, developing receptivity, knowing how to assess whether a person is suitable, removing barriers from past negative experiences, developing initiative and proactivity are part of some of the skills that will be developed in the Coaching process.
The right choice requires preparation but always knowing that they were arranged in heaven by H’!
Find out more about this service in our email.